Lung Cancer Misdiagnosis Lawyer in NYC
The medical malpractice attorneys at Gair, Gair, Conason, Rubinowitz, Bloom Hershenhorn, Steigman & Mackauf have an in-depth experience helping victims of lung cancer misdiagnosis and their families getting the compensation they deserve. They have been a leading force behind the enactment of the Lavern's Law that expands the statute of limitation from the date when the victim discovers that the cancer was misdiagnosed instead of the date of the alleged misdiagnosis.
When looking for a lung cancer misdiagnosis attorney you want to make sure that your attorney is highly experienced in handling such cases and work with a team that includes 2 board-certified physicians that can assist in evaluating your case and help you to understand the full medical scope of your claim. Our attorneys conduct in-depth investigations and they retain highly qualified experts to prosecute your case. When a doctor fails to diagnose lung cancer, we work with a practicing lung cancer specialist to find out the full circumstances of the misdiagnosis. If your chest x-ray was misread, an expert radiologist will examine the films.
How Much Is My Lung Cancer Misdiagnosis Worth? Every lung cancer misdiagnosis case is different and has its own set of associated losses including pain and suffering, lost wages, the cost of care and many other monetary costs. In order to accurately assess what these costs will be for the remainder of a victim’s life, we use expert economists and financial analysts to derive fair resolutions for victims of cancer misdiagnosis. In a recent case, our cancer misdiagnosis attorneys obtained a 1.6 million settlement for a 74-year-old woman whose lung cancer was undiagnosed but appeared in a routine chest x-ray.
If a delay in diagnosing your lung cancer worsens the treatment or prognosis or if a loved one died as a result of a lung cancer misdiagnosis you might be entitled to compensation. Early detection is key to successfully fighting lung cancer. Lung cancer symptoms can share the characteristics of other conditions, so proper testing by doctors is essential. Tests such as chest x-rays, bronchoscopy, needle aspiration and thoracentesis are commonly used by the medical profession to detect lung cancer. Many times doctors fail to even order these crucial tests. There are also situations where the proper tests are ordered, but the radiologist misreads the film or the pathologist misreads the slide, leading to a crucial delay in making the diagnosis.
If your lung cancer went undiagnosed by a doctor or was misdiagnosed, please contact our firm to discuss your case.
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