Hydrocephalus Misdiagnosis Attorneys in New York
Hydrocephalus can potentially be misdiagnosed, especially if the symptoms are mild or non-specific. Because the symptoms of hydrocephalus can also be present in other neurological conditions, it makes challenging for physicians to differentiate and diagnose hydrocephalus accurately. To diagnose hydrocephalus, doctors typically perform a physical exam, along with imaging tests such as a CT scan or MRI, to assess the brain structure and CSF flow. Sometimes, additional tests such as a lumbar puncture or intracranial pressure monitoring may also be necessary. Despite these diagnostic tests, there is still a potential for misdiagnosis, particularly if a physician is not experienced in identifying hydrocephalus or if the patient has atypical symptoms.
The NYC medical malpractice attorneys at Gair, Gair, Conason, Rubinowitz, Bloom, Hershenhorn, Steigman & Mackauf represent plaintiffs in hydrocephalus misdiagnosis cases. Call us at 212-943-1090 for a free consultation.

Hydrocephalus is basically an overabundance of cerebro/spinal fluid within the head. Hence, the commonly used lay term, “water on the brain”. While hydrocephalus is usually thought of as occurring in the newborn it is not uncommon for adults to develop this condition.
There are a myriad of causes of hydrocephalus. Congenital abnormalities such as Arnold-Chiari malformation, Dandy-Walker Syndrome and aqueduct stenosis among others are well known precipitators of this condition which may not manifest itself until adulthood. Acquired conditions are also known to cause a blockage in the ventricular system leading to the onset of hydrocephalus. Intraventricular hematomas, tumors, abscesses, trauma and arachnoid cysts have all been documented as precipitating hydrocephalus. Hydrocephalus has been classified as communicating (obstruction of cerebrospinal fluid flow outside of the ventricular system) and obstructive (obstruction of CSF flow within the ventricular system).
Cerebrospinal fluid is produced within the ventricles of the brain. The four ventricles of the brain, two lateral and the third and forth ventricles, are cavities or chambers within the brain. The walls of each ventricle contain a structure known as the choroid plexus which produces CSF. The CSF flows from the ventricles throughout the brain and spinal cord and is eventually absorbed through the arachnoid granulations into the venous blood of the brain. CSF is constantly produced at the rate of 0.35 ml/min or 500 ml/day. When one of the above mentioned conditions (the list is obviously not exhaustive) causes a blockage in the flow of CSF hydrocephalus results. The build up of CSF causes an increase in intracranial pressure and an expansion of the ventricles. If the CSF is not drained white matter damage, gliotic scarring, grey matter damage and death may result. The increase in intracranial pressure may also cause brain herniation.
The manner in which CSF is drained in a patient, adult or child, with hydrocephalus is by means of a shunt, most commonly a ventricular peritoneal shunt. Basically, the shunt system consists of silastic tubing, catheters, a reservoir and a pressure activated valve. By means of a burr hole in the skull, a catheter is inserted into the lateral ventricle. The peritoneal catheter is inserted through the clavicular area and tunneled into the peritoneum. Under the scalp is spliced a pressure activated valve and a reservoir which allows aspiration of CSF for analysis. This, of course, is an oversimplication of the procedure, but demonstrates the way in which CSF is drained. When the intracranial pressure reaches a level at which the valve is engineered it is activated and drains the fluid thereby preventing dilation of the ventricles and a potentially lethal increase in intracranial pressure.
Obviously, as in any foreign device, failures may take place. It is therefore incumbent upon the physician treating such a patient to be cognizant of the clinical signs of shunt failure. Debris, infection and catheter migration among others may clog the ventricular catheter. The peritoneal catheter may also become clogged or obstructed by infection, movement and other causes. Classic clinical signs of a malfunctioning shunt include severe headaches, nausea, vomiting, impaired balance, lethargy and papilloedema.
It is mandatory in a shunted patient displaying these symptoms to order a CT Scan of the brain which must be compared to a prior baseline scan and/or records of the scan, if available. An interval increase in the size of the ventricles is conclusive proof of shunt failure and necessitates surgery to revise the shunt.
The situation the plaintiff’s attorney may be confronted with is where there was neither a baseline CT Scan nor records of same available to the physician for comparison. If there was such a prior CT Scan and/or records of the scan available which demonstrate an interval expansion of the ventricles and surgery to repair the shunt was not promptly performed resulting in brain damage or death of the patient, medical malpractice is usually obvious. It is, of course, not so simple when no prior CT Scan or records are available for review.
A CT Scan should obviously be taken. An increase in the size of the ventricles should be viewed with suspicion. However, not all shunted patients will experience a reduction of the size of the ventricles following shunting. Therefore, a single CT Scan demonstrating an expansion of the ventricles without an available baseline scan and/or records is not conclusive evidence of shunt failure.
For many years physicians often relied on pumping the shunt (the valve) to see if there was a return of CSF to determine whether the shunt was functioning. Although shunt pumping may provide useful information, it has now been demonstrated that pumping the shunt is not an effective means of testing shunt function. Pumping the shunt will not reveal whether the valve is functioning at the pressure for which it is engineered. It will also not reveal intermittent obstruction of the shunt whether it be distal or proximal.
The medical misdiagnosis attorneys at Gair, Gair, Conason, Rubinowitz, Bloom, Hershenhorn, Steigman & Mackauf have successfully represented victims and their family in hydrocefalus misdiagnosis cases. If you or a loved one was injured or died as the result of a deleayed or wrong hydrocephalus diagnosis, contact our firm for a free consultation.
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