Jeffrey B. Bloom
Partner Phone: 646-665-4197
Since joining the firm following his graduation from law school in 1979, Jeffrey Bloom has carved out a reputation as one of the top medical malpractice and personal injury attorneys in New York.
Known and respected by both the bench and bar as a fierce advocate on behalf of the clients, he has helped his clients successfully achieve numerous multi-million dollar recoveries.
Mr. Bloom has tried and managed numerous serious personal injury cases involving medical malpractice, auto accidents, legal malpractice, construction accidents and products liability, resulting in some of the largest awards ever obtained in this state. Recently With two other partner, Ben Rubinowitz and Richard Steigman, he obtained a $120 million jury verdict in a medical malpractice lawsuit against Westchester Medical Center. Along with Ben Rubinowitz, he served as lead counsel representing the Estate of Joan Rivers in a medical malpractice action arising from her death following surgery at an ambulatory surgical center. Aside from negligently performed surgery cases, Mr. Bloom has successfully represented clients in cases involving the failure to diagnosis diseases such as breast, colon, prostate and lung cancer as well as claims of improper obstetrical care resulting in brain damage and Erb’s palsy to newborns and severe injuries to the delivering mother.
His remarkable results speak for themselves: a $9.2 million settlement for a woman in a case in which doctors failed to timely diagnose and treat a small bowel obstruction, resulting in a perforation ultimately necessitating a kidney transplant, a $8,000,000 million settlement in a medical malpractice case for a woman who contracted vulvulus (an intestinal blockage) following colon surgery, a $6 million settlement in case involving a negligently performed mitral valve replacement, a $4.5 million settlement for a woman who suffered a cerebral spinal fluid leak when gynecological surgery caused a spinal meningocele to perforate, to name a few, a confidential settlement on behalf of a high school student who suffered burn injuries when a science teacher left a classroom unattended during the performance of an experiment. Among other types of cases he has managed include a successful lawsuit brought against Chrysler regarding a negligently designed gas tank in one of its vans causing a fire that resulted in deaths and a case against a landlord and construction company following a building collapse in Manhattan. Mr. Bloom is also a highly regarded attorney in the area of legal malpractice and has handled several substantial legal malpractice matters.
His contributions, however, extend beyond his excellent work for the firm. Serving as the Co-Chair of the Medical Malpractice Committee and LAWPAC of New York (the Trial Lawyers’ political action committee) for the New York State Trial Lawyers Association, he combines his vast knowledge in the field with his political acumen to effectuate change and preserve justice for those injured through the fault of others. Mr. Bloom was a leading force beyond the successful campaign which led to the 2018 enactment of “Lavern’s Law,” which, for the first time in New York, mandated that the statute of limitations in cases on behalf of cancer patients and their families begins to run when the patient reasonably discovers that he/she has been the victim of malpractice. This change, long sought after but only recently achieved, finally eliminated the manifest unfairness of a patient finding that the time in which to bring a lawsuit had already expired before the person was ever told that he/she had cancer.
His excellence has not gone unnoticed by his peers: he is perennially named in Best Lawyers in America and New York Magazine’s Best Lawyers in New York in 4 specialties: Medical Malpractice, Personal Injury, Legal Malpractice and Professional Malpractice. He has also been listed in Super Lawyers and has been inducted in the International Academy of Trial Lawyers– a prestigious organization which limits its membership to 500 trial lawyers nationwide.
Mr. Bloom describes his view of his job as follows:
“One of the most difficult events a person may ever encounter is being told that he or she has a serious illness such as cancer. Even more devastating, however, is the realization that the disease should have and could have been diagnosed earlier. As a medical malpractice attorney, my role is to prove this medical negligence to the jury with the ultimate goal of securing a substantial award as compensation for the losses suffered by our clients.”
He willingly shares his knowledge and skill with others, even serving as lecturer at the New York State Judicial Institute, where he has given lectures to State Supreme Court Judges. He lectured and taught extensively throughout the State, including serving as the Chair of New York State Bar Association programs in Anatomy and Medicine for Lawyers, Failure to Diagnose Breast Cancer and Women’s Health Issues and Malpractice, and has lectured at local hospitals, speaking to radiologists, emergency room residents, and neonatologists.
Juris Doctor, Hofstra University, 1979
Bachelor of Science, Lehigh University, 1976
New York, 1980
U.S. District Court, Eastern & Southern Districts of New York, 1980
U.S. Court of Appeals, Second Circuit, 1980
New York State Trial Lawyers Association
(Co-Chair, Medical Malpractice Committee 2006-present) Board of Directors
LawPAC of New York
The New York State Trial Lawyers Association Political Action Committee-Co-Chair & Trustee
International Trial Lawyers, Fellow
New York Supreme Court , NY County, Medical Malpractice Steering Committee
New York Bar Association
New York County Bar Association
American Association of Justice
- $120,000,000 jury verdict for a 41-year-old man who suffered a devastating brain injury after doctors misdiagnosed and failed to treat a stroke. This is the highest medical malpractice verdict ever obtained in Westchester County, NY
- Confidential settlement, lead counsel along with Ben Rubinowitz in the wrongful death of Joan Rivers - lawsuit brought by Ms. River's Estate against doctors and the surgical clinic which caused her death.
- $9,200,000 settlement in a Brooklyn medical malpractice case in which doctors and hospital employees fail to timely diagnose and treat a small bowel obstruction which resulted in systemic infections, multiple surgeries, lengthy hospitalization, and the need for a kidney transplant.
- $8,500,000 settlement in a medical malpractice case involving the failure to diagnose intestinal malrotation leading to volvulus in a child.
- $8,000,000 settlement in a medical malpractice case for a woman who contracted vulvulus (an intestinal blockage) following colon surgery.
- $6,100,000 settlement in a Dutchess County medical malpractice case involving the death of a woman after giving birth.
- $6,000,000 settlement in a medical malpractice case involving an improperly performed mitral valve repair in a 33-year-old.
- $4,500,000 settlement in a medical malpractice case involving improperly performed gynecological surgery in which a meningocele was carelessly perforated causing cerebral spinal fluid leak.
- $4,500,000 settlement in a legal malpractice case involving a woman whose lawyer failed to file the proper paperwork with the court when she had a claim against her doctor for failing to properly treat her brain tumor.
- Confidential settlement for a high school teen that was burned in a fire when a science teacher left a classroom unattended while another student was performing an experiment.
- $3,800,000 verdict for a man who was struck by a car and suffered a severely broken leg.
- $3,400,000 settlement for a woman who suffered significant leg injuries when thrown from a boat after an engine exploded.
- $3,000,000 settlement in a medical malpractice for a child who suffered Erb’s Palsy following a negligent delivery by his mother’s obstetrician.
- $3,000,000 settlement for the family of a man who was overdosed with narcotics at his local hospital. The victim walked in the emergency room of his local hospital with complaints of abdominal pain. As the result of a medication error he was administered a deadly dose of opioid pain medication (read more about this medical malpractice case)
- $2,700,000 settlement in a medical malpractice case claiming a failure to administer anti-coagulation medication to a 78 year old woman following surgery resulting in a stroke.
- $2,500,000 verdict in a Rockland County medical malpractice case in which a gynecologist transected a 68 year old woman’s ureter resulting in the loss of a kidney.
- $2,250,000 in a legal malpractice case for a man who hired a law firm to represent him in an action against his doctor for losing a kidney. The firm was negligent in their representation of their client and as a result of the lawyer’s oversight, the medical malpractice case was dismissed.
- $2,250,000 settlement in an Erie County medical malpractice case in which doctors failed to timely diagnose and treat acute gastrointestinal bleeding in a 60 year old man.
- $2,175,000 million in a medical malpractice case in which doctors it was claimed that there was a failure to diagnose a meningioma.
- $2,125,000 verdict for the estate of a Kings County man who died of complications because of a dental procedure.
- $2,150,000 settlement in a medical malpractice case claiming the failure to properly repair a rectal laceration following a prostatectomy.
- $2,000,000 settlement in a medical malpractice case for a man who underwent unnecessary prostate cancer surgery.
- $2,000,000 settlement in medical malpractice case involving the failure to diagnose breast cancer.
- $1,900,000 settlement for a woman who suffered loss of her spleen and psychological trauma following an automobile accident.
- $1,900,000 settlement in a Richmond County medical malpractice case in which doctors failed to diagnose preeclampsia in a woman suffered a cerebral bleed a few days after giving birth.
- $1,800,000 verdict in a medical malpractice case for a child who suffered Erb's Palsy following negligent delivery by his mother's obstetrician.
- $1,750,000 settlement in a medical malpractice case in which doctors fail to diagnose colon cancer in a 67 year old man.
- $1,700,000 settlement in a medical malpractice case in which am ophthalmologist failed to timely diagnose and treat a post-cataract surgery infection resulting in loss of vision in an eye.
- $1,600,000 settlement in a medical malpractice case involving the failure to take an adequate biopsy of a patients ulcer and thereby failure to diagnose gastric cancer.
- $1,600,000 settlement in a medical malpractice case in which a gynecologist failed to perform a prophylactic oopherectomy on a woman who developed ovarian cancer and who had suffered breast cancer and had a positive family history of ovarian cancer.
- $1,600,000 in a medical malpractice case settlement for a child who suffered Erb’s palsy following negligent delivery by his mother’s obstetrician.
- $1,450,000 settlement in an Ulster County medical malpractice case in which doctors failed to timely diagnose a woman’s breast cancer.
- $1,450,000 settlement in a Dutchess County medical malpractice case in which doctors failed to timely diagnose breast cancer.
- $1,000,000 settlement in a Broome County medical malpractice case involving the failure to timely diagnose melanoma.
Disclaimer: Please be advised that the results achieved in any given case depend upon the exact facts and circumstances of that case. Gair, Gair, Conason, Rubinowitz, Bloom, Hershenhorn, Steigman & Mackauf cannot guarantee a specific result in any legal matter. Any testimonial or case result listed on this site is based on an actual legal case and represents the results achieved in that particular case, and does not constitute a guarantee, warranty or prediction of the outcome of any other legal matter.
- Lecture: NYS Judicial Institute - lectures to NYS Supreme Court judges
- Lecture: Kings County Supreme Court Lunch & Learn - lecture to Kings County judges about handling medical malpractice cases
- Chair & Lecturer - NYSBA Anatomy & Medicine for Lawyers Chair & Lecture - NYSBA Failure to Diagnose Breast Cancer
- Chair & Lecturer - NYSBA Women's Health Issues and Malpractice: Medical and Legal Issues in Breast Cancer and Gynecological Cancer Surgery
- Mount Sinai Hospital -iiCME Program Mount Sinai Update: Breast Imaging Course Plaintiff lecture to mammographers attending MCLE course.
- Grand Round Lecture: Emergency room residents at NYC Metropolitan Hospital Lecture
- Winthrop University Hospital program for neontologists and neonatal nurses
- "Medical Malpractice Study: Disproving Frivolous Myth," The National Law Journal, July 3, 2006
- "Harvard Study Ends Myth of Frivolous Malpractice Suits," New York Law Journal, May 26, 2006
- "The Impact of Arons: A Look at the Court of Appeals Decision to Allow Ex Parte Interviews of Treating Doctors and Where We Go from Here," Bill of Particulars-New York State Trial Lawyers Association, Spring 2008
- "A HIPAA Primer," Bill of Particulars-New York State Trial Lawyers Association, Winter 2006
- Women's Health Issues and Malpractice, Program Chair/Lecturer, New York State Bar Association, 2003
- Handling the Failure to Diagnose Breast Cancer Medical Malpractice Case," Program Chair/Lecturer, New York State Bar Association, 2007
- Medical Malpractice in NYC Supreme Court: Key Issues Today, Program Chair/Lecturer - New York State Supreme Court, New York County
- Basic Civil Practice: The Trial, Lecturer, New York State Bar Association, 1995-1997, 2000
- Failure to Diagnose Breast Cancer: The Trial, Law Journal Seminars-Press, 1998, 2000
- Keeping Pace: A Guide for the Up-to-Date Litigator, New York State Bar Association, 1998
- How to Begin a Civil Action in New York State: A Roadmap Through Pre-Trial Discovery and Motion Practice," Practising Law Institute, 1998
- Winning Your Case at the Deposition: Effective Tools for the Practicing Litigator, New York State Bar Association, 2000
- How to Commence a Civil Lawsuit, New York State Bar Association, 2001
- The Trial, New York State Bar Association, 2002
- Law Journal Seminars, Medical Malpractice Program on Video, 2002
- Practical Skills: How to Commence a Civil Lawsuit, New York State Bar Association, 2003
- Practical Skills: How to Commence a Civil Lawsuit, New York State Bar Association, 2004
- Medical Malpractice Litigation, New York State Bar Association, 2005
- Practical Skills: Basics of Civil Practice - The Trial, 2005
- "Practical Skills: Basics of Civil Practice-The Trial," New York State Bar Association, 2005
- "Prescription for Improving the Way Health Care and Legal Systems Deal with Unanticipated Outcomes in Medical Care," Association of the Bar of the City of New York, 2006